
Web frontends

Primary LanguagePHP

Web frontends

Build Status on TravisCI XP Framework Module BSD Licence Required PHP 5.6+ Supports PHP 7.0+ Supports HHVM 3.4+ Latest Stable Version

Frontends based on xp-forge/web.


Frontend uses classes with methods annotated with HTTP verbs to handle routing. These methods return a context, which is passed along with the template name to the template engine.

class Home {

  #[@get, @$param: param('name')]
  public function get($param) {
    return ['name' => $param ?: 'World'];

For the above class, the template engine will receive home as template name and the returned map as context. The implementation below uses the xp-forge/handlebars library to transform the templates.

use com\handlebarsjs\{HandlebarsEngine, FilesIn};
use io\Path;
use web\frontend\Templates;

class TemplateEngine implements Templates {
  private $backing;

  public function __construct(Path $templates) {
    $this->backing= (new HandlebarsEngine())->withTemplates(new FilesIn($templates));

  public function write($name, $context, $out) {
    $this->backing->write($this->backing->load($name), $context, $out);

The handlebars template is quite straight-forward:

    <title>Hello {{name}}</title>
    <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>

Finally, wiring it together is done in the application class, as follows:

use web\Application;
use web\frontend\{Frontend, Templates};
use web\handler\FilesFrom;
use io\Path;

class Site extends Application {

  /** @return [:var] */
  protected function routes() {
    $files= new FilesFrom(new Path($this->environment->webroot(), 'src/main/webapp'));
    $templates= new TemplateEngine(new Path($this->environment->webroot(), 'src/main/handlebars'));

    return [
      '/favicon.ico' => $files,
      '/static'      => $files,
      '/'            => new Frontend(new Home(), $templates)

To run it, use xp -supervise web Site, which will serve the site at http://localhost:8080/. Find and clone the example code here.