
Diffusion Models for Tabular Data Imputation

Primary LanguagePython

This github repository contains all the code and information on our final project for Stanford class CS 229 Machine Learning. Created by Johannes Fuest, Alex Thiesmeyer and Linus Hein.

CS229 Final Project: Diffusion Models for Data Imputation


Most of the above code is due to Kotelnikov et al., 2022 in association with their paper TabDDPM: Modeling Tabular Data with Diffusion Models. The repo for that project can be found here.

The files that we added for our data imputation method are listed below:





In addition, we edited many existing files, with particular attention paid to scripts/sample.py and scripts/tab_ddpm/gaussian_multinomial_diffsuion.py. Wherever we have edited the original TabDDPM authors' code, we have tried to clearly comment to that effect. The implementation of missingness patterns is adapted from the jenga package, due to Sebastian Schelter. All other code should be assumed to be due to Kotelnikov et al.

Guidelines to Run Code:

See the original repo for instructions on how to set up your environment and download pretuned datasets. Whenever attempting to use the TabDDPM model, the desired device to use (cpu, cuda:0 etc.) must be specified in the config.toml file associated with the type of experiment you are trying to run.

The following example commands walk through a typical use of our method.

Imports a dataset from a csv file. Splits the data into training, validation and test sets and splits numerical features from categorical features, saving as .npy files. Saves column names in a dictionary for future use. Creates an info.json file with dataset information. Additionally splits data into five folds for cross-validation.

python scripts/import_data.py [path] [ds_name] [task_type] [target] [--cat_features] [--to_drop]
python scripts/import_data.py "datasets/abalone.csv" abalone regression Rings --cat_features Sex --to_drop id

Tunes hyperparameters for the catboost model on the chosen dataset with cross-validation.

python scripts/tune_evaluation_model.py [ds_name] [model] [tune_type] [device]
python scripts/tune_evaluation_model.py abalone catboost cv cuda:0

Tunes parameters of the TabDDPM model on the chosen dataset.

python scripts/tune_ddpm.py [ds_name] [train_size] [eval_type] [eval_model] [prefix]
python scripts/tune_ddpm.py abalone 2672 synthetic catboost ddpm_cb

Trains the TabDDPM model given a specific set of hyperparameters.

python scripts/pipeline.py [--config] [--train]
python scripts/pipeline.py --config exp/abalone/ddpm_cb_best/config.toml --train

Runs a single imputation experiment on chosen features with missingness pattern --exp_type and proportion of missing data --exp_prop. Compares to mean/mode and random forest baselines.

python scripts/pipeline.py [--config] [--sample_partial] [--to_impute] [exp_type] [--exp_prop] [--compare]
python scripts/pipeline.py --config exp/abalone/ddpm_cb_best/config.toml --sample_partial --to_impute Length --exp_type MCAR --exp_prop 0.1 --compare

For our results generation, this runs all desired experiments on a particular feature, with comparison enabled.

python scripts/run_exps.py [ds_name] [to_impute]
python scripts/run_exps.py abalone Length

Results are stored in exp/{ds_name}/ddpm_cb_best/imp_exp_results