
Git Mirror of John Burkardt's great collection of Mathematica Software

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MATHEMATICA Notebooks and Packages

This is a collection of notebook files and packages for use with MATHEMATICA.

  • arbitrary_weight_rule, a program which accepts a formula for an arbitrary (but nonnegative) weight function over an interval, and determines the points and weights of a corresponding Gaussian quadrature rule, by Fukuda, Katsuya, Alt and Matveenko.
  • buckling_spring, a program which illustrates solutions of the buckling spring equations.
  • burgers_characteristics, a program which solves the time dependent inviscid Burgers equation using the method of characteristics, by Mikel Landajuela.
  • calendars, a library which computes simple calendrical quantities, including the number of days elapsed between two dates.
  • collatz, a program which reads an integer from the user and computes the Collatz sequence based on that integer.
  • duel_simulation a program which simulates N repetitions of a duel between two plaers, each of whom has a known firing accuracy.
  • felippa, a library which defines quadrature rules for lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, pyramids, wedges, tetrahedrons and hexahedrons.
  • filum, a library which can work with information in text files.
  • frobenius, a library which is useful for the Froebenius problem, also known as the postage stamp problem.
  • graphics_examples, programs which illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically.
  • lorenz_equations, a program which demonstrates how solutions to the Lorenz equations can be synchronized.
  • mathematica, a directory of examples which illustrate features of the Mathematica language.
  • mhd_control_movie, a program which displays and animates the output data from a magnetic hydrodynamic control problem.
  • newton_cotes, a program which calls Mathematica functions to determine the points and weights for Newton-Cotes quadrature rules.
  • quadrule, a library which evaluates certain quadrature rules needed by the C, C++, FORTRAN90 and MATLAB versions of QUADRULE.
  • semicircle_integrals, a program which evaluates the integral of a function f(x,y) over the unit semicircle -1 <= x <= +1, 0 <= y <= sqrt ( 1-x^2).
  • struveh, a library which evaluates the Struve H function.
  • test_values, a library which computes a few selected values of various mathematical functions.
  • timestamp, a library which returns the YMDHMS date as a timestamp.
  • uniform, a library which computes elements of a uniform pseudorandom sequence.

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Last revised on 16 April 2012.