
nixos-containers are based on systemd-nspawn and can be managed by:

machinectl list

Classically they are defined in the configuration of the host, however there are several ways to define them independent of the host's configuration:


nixos-container --flake

nixos-container --flake .#demo create demo
nixos-container --flake .#demo update demo
  • nice to quickly start a container from a flake with nixosConfigurations
  • however doesn't manage the network setup
  • requires different commands for create and update


extra-container is a usefull tool in nixpkgs, allowing to configure several containers with networking.

However it doesn't (yet) support controlling only a subset of the defined containers from the given file.

extra-container create nix/containers.nix

extra-container buildContainers

Flake support of extra-container.

nix run .#buildContainers -- create

Of of the box it only works to manage all defined containers…

extra-container buildContainer_*

… is provided by the flake of this repo.

This wrapper around extra-container buildContainers allows managing of single containers.

nix run .#buildContainer_demo -- create


machinectl nixos-container extra-container buildContainers
list ++
start ++
poweroff ++
create + ++ ++
update + ++ ++
create or update - ++ ++
network config (imperativ) + +
flake ++ +
single container ++ - (implemented in this flake)
multiple containers + +
config format nixosConfiguration containers-config buildContainers(containers-config)


Some demo setups and more detailed instructions about recommended usage.