
Nixos module, allowing app deployment via git hooks into pure servers

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


This nixos module allows administrators a pure configuration of a server with a defined set of git repositories. Less privileged users (like developers or a ci), authorized by ssh keys, can than push to this repos and trigger the git hooks defined in the nixos configuration.



When you are on a legacy nixos without flakes, you can install nix-deploy-git by adding this to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

  imports = [
    "${builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://github.com/johannesloetzsch/nix-deploy-git.git"; }}/module.nix"


The recommended way of installation is using this repository as input in your /etc/nixos/flake.nix and adding nix-deploy-git.nixosModule to modules:

  inputs = {
    nix-deploy-git.url = "github:johannesloetzsch/nix-deploy-git/main";

  outputs = { nix-deploy-git }:
    nixosConfigurations."${HOSTNAME}" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      modules = [


The documentation of available config options can be found in module.nix. example.nix shows an minimal config, that could be copied or included in your configuration.nix.

nixos-rebuild switch

After rebuilding your system with services.nix-deploy-git.enable = true, nix-deploy-git should have:

  • enabled openssh
  • created a new user ${services.nix-deploy-git.user}
  • the ssh-public-keys defined in ${services.nix-deploy-git.keys} will have permissions limited to login as this user with git-shell
  • the git repositories defined in ${services.nix-deploy-git.repos} will be initialized as bare repos in $HOME of ${services.nix-deploy-git.user} (defauts to /var/lib/deploy/).
  • for each repo, the defined hooks will be setup


Everyone with one of the ${services.nix-deploy-git.keys} can now push to every ${REPO} at the ${SERVER}:

git remote add ${REMOTE} deploy@${SERVER}:/var/lib/deploy/${REPO}.git
git push -u ${REMOTE} ${BRANCH}

This will trigger the hooks setup by nix-deploy-git to run with the permissions of ${services.nix-deploy-git.user}.