
Facewall for xing members

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Amazing Wall of Xing members logged in to a service.

This is currently work in progress!



Mac OS X

$ brew install mongodb
$ mongod


Mac OS X

$ brew install node


The current work-in-progress state makes use of xing-api-nodejs. As long as this is also work-in-progress and not pushed to npm, you need to install it manually

$ git clone https://github.com/volkert/xing-api-nodejs
$ cd xing-api-nodejs
$ npm link


$ git clone https://github.com/kassi/xingwall.git
$ cd xingwall
$ npm link xing-xpi
$ npm install


Copy .env.example to .env and set the environment variables to fit your development environment.

Best you install grunt globally to avoid having to run grunt by specifying the whole path.

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Make sure mongodb is runnig and run grunt

$ grunt


Run it in production mode

$ npm start


You can deploy this application to Heroku.

Before you can start using Heroku you have to install the heroku toolbelt.

Setup a new Heroku app

If you create a new Heroku application you have to add the Compose MongoDB addon and add the necessary config variables.

heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
heroku config:set COOKIE_SECRET=aRandomCookieSecret
heroku config:set XING_CONSUMER_KEY=yourConsumerKey
heroku config:set XING_CONSUMER_SECRET=yourConsumerSecret

Deploy to Heroku

If you're deploying for the first time you have to remember to login and setup the heroku remote:

  1. heroku login
  2. heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP_NAME

After that you can deploy using the usual git push:

git push heroku master


  • Jan Ahrens
  • Karsten Silkenbäumer
  • Blake Simpson
  • Volker Tietz