
:mouse: Fire mouse events when a user intends it

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


hoverintent is a reworking of Brian Cherne's jQuery plugin in plain javascript. It has no dependencies.

It's goal is to determine a user's intention when hovering over an element by triggering a mouseover event when the cursor position has slowed down enough.

Check out the demo to see how it works in action.

Browser Support

Chrome logo Firefox logo Internet Explorer logo Opera logo Safari logo
All ✔ All ✔ 9+ ✔ 7+ ✔ All ✔

Basic usage

Adding hoverintent to an element

<script src='hoverintent.min.js'></script>
  var el = document.getElementById('element-id');
  function() {
    // Handler in
  }, function() {
    // Handler out

Removing hoverintent from an element

<script src='hoverintent.min.js'></script>
  var el = document.getElementById('element-id');

  // Save a reference to the method
  var hoverListener = hoverintent(el,
  function() {
    // Handler in
  }, function() {
    // Handler out

  // Remove hoverintent listeners

Custom options

You can adjust mouse sensitivity or the length of time a mouse over/out event is fired:

<script src='hoverintent.min.js'></script>
  var opts = {
    timeout: 500,
    interval: 50

  var el = document.getElementById('element-id');
  function() {
    // Handler in
  }, function() {
    // Handler out
Setting Default Value Description
sensitivity: 7
The value (in pixels) the mouse cursor should not travel beyond while hoverintent waits to trigger the mouseover event.
interval: 100
The length of time (in milliseconds) hoverintent waits to re-read mouse coordinates.
timeout: 0
The length of time (in milliseconds) before the mouseout event is fired.
timeout: false
Adds onOver/onOut callbacks to keyboard navigation during blur and focus events

Ender support

Add hoverintent as an internal chain method to your Ender compilation.

// ender add hoverintent

$('.element').hoverintent(function() {
    // Handler in
}, function() {
    // Handler out


to manage dependencies and build. Development requires you have node.js installed.

  1. Install node.js. 'Install' will download a package for your OS.
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run build


< MIT >
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