
MATLAB wrapper for GridCut, a efficient max-flow solver for grid-like graphs.

Primary LanguageMatlabMIT LicenseMIT

Light-weight MATLAB package for segmentation using GridCut http://gridcut.com/ [1].

It minimizes functions given on the form:

$$Data_term + weight*|boundary length|,$$

see [2], for theoretical details.

Getting started

  1. Get MATLAB and a compatible C++ compiler: http://se.mathworks.com/support/compilers/.

  2. Setup the C++ compiler in MATLAB using "mex -setup".

  3. Review the GridCut license, it is free to use in research.

  4. Download the source code and place it inside /gridcut/.

  5. Run examples/example.m.

The code has been tested on

  • MATLAB 2013a with GCC 4.8 on Ubuntu 14.04.
  • MATLAB 2013a with Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7.



The GridCut implementation has limited connectivity support:

For 2D data

  • 4-connectivity
  • 8-connectivity

For 3D data

  • 6-connectivity
  • 26-connectivity


The current wrapper does not support the multi-threaded version of GridCut.

Data types

The data term must either be in double or single-precession (float).


  1. Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012
    Ondrej Jamriska, Daniel Sykora, and Alexander Hornung

  2. What metrics can be approximated by geo-cuts, or global optimization of length/area and flux
    International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2005
    Vladimir Kolmogorov and Yuri Boykov