Neural Network-Boosted Importance Nested Sampling for Bayesian Statistics
- ajwheelerFlatiron Institute
- aqhali
- Astro-LeeKunming, China
- astrostevanusAstrobiology Center, NINS
- beckermrOak Park, IL
- carlosRmelo
- ChangITP
- denizcdursunIstanbul University
- dforero0896EPFL
- dr-guangtouTsinghua University
- grburgessMax-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
- hy1ee
- igomezvObservatoire de Genève
- ismael-mendozaUniversity of Michigan
- jacob-hjortlund
- Jammy2211Newcastle University
- JDonaldM
- johannesulf
- jpdeleonUTokyo
- justwannabehero
- jvinesToteat
- KiyamUCL
- makdoudNPalaiseau, France
- miguelcarcamovUniversidad de Santiago de Chile
- mj-willUniversity of Portsmouth
- mxhsnowy
- Paul-CharpentierIRAP
- raulgad
- sibirrerStony Brook University
- tbmiller-astro
- wabu@orderbird
- wcxveInstitute of High Energy Physics
- wenzhenwang
- WuShichaoMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- xlucnPurple Mountain Observatory, China
- yqiuuZhejiang lab