
A repository that shows how to work with our flux based gitops offering.

GitOps Template

This repository presents structure, ideas and best practices for managing clusters and apps using Flux available by default on Giant Swarm Management Clusters.

Warning: This repository is of a preview quality right now and still a work in progress. Please bear in mind that it might have some elements that are not strictly needed or left loose after we ported some ideas from other repositories.

Using this repository

A good starting point is the repository structure doc, which explains how this repository works.

To start creating and managing your infrastructure using this template, please fork a repo from it, then follow the docs below to learn how it works:

  1. add a new Management Cluster
  2. add a new Organization
  3. add a new Workload Cluster
    1. create a template for mass instantiation of clusters
    2. create a cluster instance using a template
      1. create the necessary GitOps repo structure
      2. create a cluster infrastructure
  4. manage applications deployed to a cluster
    1. add a new App to a Workload Cluster
    2. update an existing App
    3. enable automatic updates of an existing App


To ensure your YAML and Markdown formatting is OK even before you push to the repository, we have prepared pre-commit config. To use it, make sure to:

  • install pre-commit
  • when contributing to the repo for the first time, run pre-commit install --install-hooks


  • pre-commit is optional and opt-in: you have to set it up yourself.
  • To check your code without doing git commit, you can run pre-commit run -a
  • To force a git commit without running pre-commit hook, run git commit --no-verify ...