
csound6~ object for Max/MSP

Primary LanguageC


A minimal real time csound class using the Csound6 API

(c) Iain C.T. Duncan 2022, based on work by Victor Lazzarini, (c) 2005-2013.

Csound6~ is mostly a port of Victor Lazzarini's csound object for Pure Data. It provides a minimal csound interface using the csound API and thus should provide better performance and latency than the legacy csound~ object. It does not attempt to port all the features of the legacy csound object, but does provide a newer and higher performance facility for converting krate DSP to Max messages.


  • 2022-03-20 Version 0.2 is up, with table and buffer i/o and improved control channel i/o


  • Allows playing csd, orc, and sco files
  • Plays realtime messages with score syntax
  • Scores playback time can be manipulated with minimal latency
  • Supports up to 32 inlets and outlets, corresponding to number of csound channels
  • Can receive realtime modulation data using the chnget and invalue opcodes
  • Enables listening to Csound krate channels as Max messages, at divisors of ksmps
  • Outvalue opcode can be used to send Max messages explicitly


  • Ksmps must be an even divisor of the Max signal vector size so that there are one or more even kpasses per audio vector calculation.
  • Realtime events are limited to "i", "f", and "e".
  • Csound midi opcodes are not supported. They may be ported if there is sufficient demand, though using Max midi and communicating with score messages is recommended instead.


  • Csound6~ version 0.2 is available as a binary for Mac (Intel) and Win64, and as source.
  • Install Csound6 for your platform. The csound6~ object will use the csound version installed on your machine, so there is no need to reinstall csound6~ when you upgrade Csound. Download it from https://csound.com/download.html
  • Download the release and expand in your Max packages directory.
  • To run the help file, ensure the path to the help folder is in your Max filepaths
  • Running with Overdrive enabled and Audio In Interrupt is recommended.
  • M1 users must build from source at this time as there is also no official Csound binary for M1. Work on this underway.

Reporting Issues

  • please create tickets on this projects GitHub issues board.