
๐Ÿ’š Kirby's sample site โ€“ ported to Nuxt and Kirby Query Language

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Kirby Nuxt Starter Kit

Kirby Nuxt Starter Kit

Kirby's sample site โ€“ but rewritten in Nuxt
Explore the kit live ยป

Kirby Nuxt Starter Kit

This repository is a port of the Kirby Starter Kit to Nuxt. The content is fetched using the nuxt-kql module from Kirby Headless Starter, a headless Kirby instance instance.

Key Features



  1. Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  2. Install dependencies using pnpm install
  3. Adapt the relevant environment variables:
# Base URL of the Kirby backend
# Token for bearer authentication
# See https://github.com/johannschopplich/kirby-headless-starter#private-vs-public-api


  1. Start the development server using pnpm run dev
  2. Visit localhost:3000


Build the application for production with pnpm run build.

Check out the deployment documentation.


Are There Any Drawbacks?

Data is fetched within Suspense components to ensure pre-rendered state for the user and SEO. Thus, the initial server response time is increased by about 50โ€“100 ms for the initial KQL page query. This might be a road blocker for you. You can always pre-render routes.

What's Kirby?

  • getkirby.com โ€“ Get to know the CMS.
  • Try it โ€“ Take a test ride with our online demo. Or download one of our kits to get started.
  • Documentation โ€“ Read the official guide, reference and cookbook recipes.
  • Issues โ€“ Report bugs and other problems.
  • Feedback โ€“ You have an idea for Kirby? Share it.
  • Forum โ€“ Whenever you get stuck, don't hesitate to reach out for questions and support.
  • Discord โ€“ Hang out and meet the community.
  • YouTube - Watch the latest video tutorials visually with Bastian.
  • Mastodon โ€“ Spread the word.
  • Instagram โ€“ Share your creations: #madewithkirby.


MIT License ยฉ 2022-PRESENT Johann Schopplich