Water Retention on Magic Squares Solver v0.11a Project Description: ******************************************************************************************* A Constraint-Based Local Search solver for the Water Retention on Magic Squares-problem. The problem is a very hard combinatorial optimisation problem, invented by Craig Knecht. More can be read about it at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_retention_on_mathematical_surfaces Craigs website for the problem: http://www.knechtmagicsquare.paulscomputing.com/ The solver is mainly based on the theory and ideas from my bachelor thesis, which I wrote at Uppsala University, Sweden, for the Astra Group which does research about Constraint Programming and related technologies: Water Retention on Magic Squares with Constraint-Based Local Search http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-176018 I 'm posting two solvers in this project. One written in C++ which is the fastest, at least for the heavier objective functions, and a Dynadec Comet solver which lets you easily post new constraints along with the Magic-constraints. ******************************************************************************************* Release Description ******************************************************************************************* This release contains the source-code and binaries for Windows and MacOSX and projects for XCode 3.6 and Visual Studio 2008/2010. ******************************************************************************************* Changes: ******************************************************************************************* v0.12a - Added support for Semi-Magic Squares. - Implemented the fact that every Associative Semi-Magic Square is a Associative Magic Square, by not using the diagonal constraints for Associative Magic-Squares. - Added support for random restarts within a run. ******************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************* v0.11a - Added support for the Associative Magic Square-constraints so the Associative Magic Squares can be explored with this solver as well. - Time-scale changed from milliseconds to seconds. - Added average time calculation which gives the average time of the runs. *******************************************************************************************