
Playing with linq, repositories, queryables and serialization between client and server for Blazor and Console, for the fun!

Primary LanguageC#


Playing with linq, repositories, queryables and serialization between client and server for Blazor and Console, for the fun!

To try this fast and easy:

  1. Clone the project
  2. Open the solution
  3. Set the startup projects to blazor.Server and blazor.Console (in that order)
  4. Double check that the server starts on port 7199 (otherwise update the file blazor.Console/program.cs line: 10 with the correct prot your server is running on)
  5. Then click on run without debug
  6. The application will start a blazor variant and a consol app working with the same backend and a local sqlite database
  7. Thats it!

Johan Olofsson

Noisy Cricket AB

mail. johan.olofsson@noisycricket.se
tele. +46 709 161669

Droppemålavägen 14
372 37 Ronneby

Twitter. jooljool
Facebook. Johan Olofsson