- 0
Create the Dead role, channel and command
#18 opened by M10Wolverine - 1
Create JSON files for tasks and sabotages
#4 opened by johanotoka - 0
- 2
- 0
Assign roles to players at random
#10 opened by johanotoka - 0
Add buttons for sabotages and calling meetings
#12 opened by johanotoka - 0
Edit game_cleanup to remove assigned roles and nicknames at the end of the game
#11 opened by johanotoka - 0
- 0
Create buttons
#1 opened by johanotoka - 0
Create a text channel for imposters
#2 opened by johanotoka - 0
Create a voice channel
#3 opened by johanotoka - 0
Adding fun commands for everyone to use
#5 opened by johanotoka