- 3
mvn javafx:run error on silicon Mac
#28 opened by mik3hall - 2
Toffoli and cNot not correctly represented
#29 opened by javabean68 - 2
MacOS application has rendering issues with vertical ProbabilityGate and horizontal QubitFlows
#27 opened by mik3hall - 0
Windows 10 application using quantumjava, strange, strangefx gets graphics errors
#26 opened by mik3hall - 2
- 0
OS/X version updates - Book Chapters 7-11
#24 opened by mik3hall - 3
paulixui OS/X - *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'
#22 opened by mik3hall - 0
- 3
- 1
Update Gradle version
#11 opened by johanvos - 1
- 1
- 1
#14 opened by brycelin