
Emacs themes inspired by Atom One, for Emacs 24.5+

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


DOOM for Emacs

A pack of themes made for my emacs.d and inspired by the One Dark/Light UI and syntax themes for Atom.

  • doom-one: inspired by Atom One Dark
  • doom-dark: based on Molokai

Soon to come:

  • doom-one-light: inspired by Atom One Light
  • doom-tron: doom-one, but with daylerees' Tron Legacy colorscheme
  • doom-peacock: doom-one, but with daylerees' Peacock colorscheme


  • Makes use of face-remapping-alist. See doom-enable-bright-minibuffer and doom-enable-bright-buffers.
  • Designed for Emacs 24.5+


Find them in the screenshots branch


  • doom-enable-bright-minibuffer (default: t): if non-nil, the minibuffer's background will be slightly brighter when in use (see doom-minibuffer-active face)
  • doom-enable-bright-buffers (default: t): if non-nil, source buffers' backgrounds will be slightly brighter than special buffers. This looks great for distinguishing sidebars and popups from source code buffers (See doom-default face)
  • doom-enable-bold (default: t)
  • doom-enable-italic (default: t)

Neotree integration

To get unicode icons in neotree:

(defun doom*neo-insert-root-entry (node)
  "Pretty-print pwd in neotree"
  (list (concat "" (projectile-project-name))))

(defun doom*neo-insert-fold-symbol (name)
  "Custom hybrid unicode theme with leading whitespace."
  (or (and (eq name 'open)  (neo-buffer--insert-with-face " -  " 'neo-expand-btn-face))
      (and (eq name 'close) (neo-buffer--insert-with-face " +  " 'neo-expand-btn-face))
      (and (eq name 'leaf)  (neo-buffer--insert-with-face "   " 'neo-expand-btn-face))))

(advice-add 'neo-buffer--insert-fold-symbol :override 'doom*neo-insert-fold-symbol)
(advice-add 'neo-buffer--insert-root-entry :filter-args 'doom*neo-insert-root-entry)

NOTE: Doesn't work if neo-vc-integration is on.


My mode-line configuration can be found at the bottom of core-ui in my emacs.d.