1. Installation
This plugin can be download or routed directly to your WP Plugin page via link - verändert
2. Importing Options
In order to configure the plugin you need to import the option page and field groups via the Tool section of ACF Pro in your WP Backend there are two JSON files in this repo which can be imported:
- acf-export-2021-12-02.json
Use the Import Fieldgroup function to import this JSON properly This JSON are the fieldgroups used to save the information which is set by the option page
- acfe-export-options-pages-relilab-cron-import-2021-12-02.json
Use the Import Options Pages function to import this JSON propertly test
3. Option Page
After importing both plugin and JSON files you should now see a new options page in your options section. This Plugin gives you the following options to setup
- Anzahl der zu importierenden Beiträge pro URL
This number represents the amount of POSTs you want to import from all given websites Note: The higher this number is set the more time the import will require. A timeout of the Request might occure if set too high
- Wordpress Homepage
This URL should be the homepage of the website from which you want the post imported FROM Note: The entered URL has to be a Wordpress website with standard WP REST calls enabled (this can be checked by accessing the site with postfix /wp-json/wp/v2/)
- Kategorie Mapping
Here you can add custom mapping to map all the imported posts categories to specific existing categories Note: Use the given writing convention for the mapping to work seperate original and goal categorie by : and each entry with an enter (new line)
- Standartkategorie
This will be the standard category which the plugin will revert to if the mapping can't be applied
- Kategorie erzeugen
Tick this in order to create a new category whenever the Mapping can't be applied
- Post Status
Here you can set the Post Status of the imported post to be able to make a last check before publishing the post
4. Using the Plugin
The plugin can be used either by shortcode or by setting up a Cronjob
- Shortcode
Shortcode name --> relilab_import_cron
- Cronjob
Action name --> relilab_import_cron
Note: I recommend using the WP Crontrol Plugin which supplies a nice tool to manage cronjobs