
LexMapr: A Lexicon and Rule-Based Tool for Translating Short Biomedical Specimen Descriptions into Semantic Web Ontology Terms

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a derived work from LexMapr that focuses on food items and products.

What are the differences:

  • Include the English stop words as the default.

  • Remove the functionalities to output the text buckets and classifications.

  • Remove the micro and macro match statuses.

  • Introduce a new profile called "anz" to map the Australia New Zealand Food Standards to the Food Ontology concepts.

    $ foodmapr input.csv -p anz -o output.json


  1. Install Conda.

  2. Create a FoodMapr environment

    $ conda create --name FoodMapr
  3. Install FoodMapr into your conda environment:

    $ conda activate FoodMapr
    $ git clone https://github.com/johardi/FoodMapr.git
    $ cd FoodMapr
    $ pip install .
    $ python -m nltk.downloader punkt
    $ python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
  4. (Optional) Set an environment variable USER_NLTK_DATA for a user-defined NLTK data location

    $ export USER_NLTK_DATA=/path/to/nltk_data

    Alternatively, edit .bash_profile and add the environment variable to make it available at startup


  1. Prepare the input file: food.csv

    F001,Chicken Breast
    F002,Baked Potato
    F003,Canned Corn
    F004,Frozen Yogurt
    F005,Apple Pie
  2. Prepare the configuration file: config_foodon.json

       { "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/foodon.owl": [
  3. Run the command on the Terminal console

    (FoodMapr) foo@bar:~$ foodmapr food.csv -c config_foodon.json
       "mapping_output": {
          "Chicken Breast:F001": "chicken breast:FOODON_00002703",
          "Baked Potato:F002": "potato (whole, baked):FOODON_03302196",
          "Canned Corn:F003": "corn (canned):FOODON_03302665",
          "Frozen Yogurt:F004": "frozen yogurt:FOODON_03307445",
          "Apple Pie:F005": "apple pie:FOODON_00002475"
       "input_to_ontology_mapping": {
          "F001": "FOODON_00002703",
          "F002": "FOODON_03302196",
          "F003": "FOODON_03302665",
          "F004": "FOODON_03307445",
          "F005": "FOODON_00002475"
       "ontology_to_input_mapping": {
          "FOODON_00002703": "F001",
          "FOODON_03302196": "F002",
          "FOODON_03302665": "F003",
          "FOODON_03307445": "F004",
          "FOODON_00002475": "F005"
       "input_term_label": {
          "F001": "Chicken Breast",
          "F002": "Baked Potato",
          "F003": "Canned Corn",
          "F004": "Frozen Yogurt",
          "F005": "Apple Pie"
       "ontology_term_label": {
          "FOODON_00002703": "chicken breast",
          "FOODON_03302196": "potato (whole, baked)",
          "FOODON_03302665": "corn (canned)",
          "FOODON_03307445": "frozen yogurt",
          "FOODON_00002475": "apple pie"

More Documentation from LexMapr

Formal documentation

Tutorial slides for users with little or no experience with command line

Tutorial slides for IFSAC users with little or no experience with command line