Data Analyst & Systems Engineer | MSc Student @ KTH 👩🏻💻🙋🏻
Data Science FEM - Magenta CodesSweden
Pinned Repositories
Visualization for BlueGenes of tissue expression
A robot powered training repository :robot:
Sistema de información de gestión de denuncias, monitoreo y reporte delitos contra el medio ambiente.
1º Hackathon Data Challenge 365 FEM
Backbone app example with Webpack and ES2105
Interneting is Hard (But it doesn’t have to be) Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners
Web - WiDS Colombia 2019
How have women’s legal rights evolved over the last 50 years? This is a project based on the report by Women, Business and the Law (WBL), a World Bank Group project that collects unique data on laws and regulations that restrict women's economic opportunities for the past 50 years. Since 2009, Women, Business and the Law has enhanced the study of gender equality and informed debates on improving economic opportunities and empowering women. Women have only three-quarters of the legal rights of men. In 1970, it was less than half. The Women, Business and Law 2020 report presented the results of our recent effort to document how laws have changed since 1970. This exceptional dataset has already facilitated groundbreaking research showing that a country's performance on the Women's Index, business and law is associated with more women in the workforce, a smaller wage gap between men and women, and greater investments in health and education. My goal is to replicate or find new insights in this database and put what I have learned into practice. A good way to get inspired for my 2021 individual project on Hyper Island aligned with Goal 5 GENDER EQUALITY - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDGs target 5) to understand and analyze laws and regulations affecting women's employment and entrepreneurship in 190 economies for 50 years.
johasalinas's Repositories
Visualization for BlueGenes of tissue expression
A robot powered training repository :robot:
Sistema de información de gestión de denuncias, monitoreo y reporte delitos contra el medio ambiente.
1º Hackathon Data Challenge 365 FEM
Backbone app example with Webpack and ES2105
Interneting is Hard (But it doesn’t have to be) Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners
Web - WiDS Colombia 2019
How have women’s legal rights evolved over the last 50 years? This is a project based on the report by Women, Business and the Law (WBL), a World Bank Group project that collects unique data on laws and regulations that restrict women's economic opportunities for the past 50 years. Since 2009, Women, Business and the Law has enhanced the study of gender equality and informed debates on improving economic opportunities and empowering women. Women have only three-quarters of the legal rights of men. In 1970, it was less than half. The Women, Business and Law 2020 report presented the results of our recent effort to document how laws have changed since 1970. This exceptional dataset has already facilitated groundbreaking research showing that a country's performance on the Women's Index, business and law is associated with more women in the workforce, a smaller wage gap between men and women, and greater investments in health and education. My goal is to replicate or find new insights in this database and put what I have learned into practice. A good way to get inspired for my 2021 individual project on Hyper Island aligned with Goal 5 GENDER EQUALITY - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDGs target 5) to understand and analyze laws and regulations affecting women's employment and entrepreneurship in 190 economies for 50 years.
Personal dotfiles, because I'm tired to setup everything each time.
Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 5.
Landing pages with the Magenta Codes information and a call to volunteer or lead the team.