Using any Raspberry PI and a DHT11, DHT22 or DHT2302 sensor, read and publish data to an MQTT broker.
The DHT11 is a low-cost and popular sensor for measuring temperature and humidity. The device on the module requires 3 connections to the Raspberry Pi : 3,3V ; GND and a GPIO input pin. Use PIN 4 on the Pi for the GPIO input pin.
Use any Pi. Ive tested on v1B, v2 and Pi Zero W
- Adafruit-DHT
pip install Adafruit-DHT
- Paho MQTT
pip install paho-mqtt
Clone or copy the project to your pi. I use home/pi/source as my script directory
- Create a source folder and move into it, then clone the project.
sudo mkdir /home/pi/source && cd /home/pi/source
sudo git clone
- Make the shell script executable (this script will launch with the command line arguments 11 and 4) (11 is to specify the sensor type, in my case a DHT11) (4 is the GPIO pin used for data)
sudo chmod +x
- Edit and add your MQTT broker address by editing the broker_address variable.
- If you are using authentication on your MQTT server, uncomment and add username and password to client.username_pw_set in
Open crontab in edit mode
sudo crontab -e
- Add the following line to run every min
* * * * * (cd /home/pi/source/temp_sensor && /home/pi/source/pi_temp_humidity_sensor/
The script will run once every min via cron. Temperature and humidity values will be published to your MQTT broker using the topics defined under topic_temperature and topic_humidity.
Contributors names and contact info