This is the server part of the Wikimedia Deutschland compliments button. Together with a button connected to a NodeMCU/ESP8266 board, it is meant to run on a Raspberry PI.
Showing appreciation for your colleagues is important! On the press of a button, a random compliment is sent to a random colleague via e-mail.
Of course you can still give compliments to colleagues directly in the old-fashioned analogue way, but it's also important to keep up with the cyber.
Install the project from GitHub on you RaspberryPi. You need Python3.
Make sure you have the necessary libraries installed. Enter the compliments
Run this:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Generate a configuration file:
to your needs. You must fill in the appropriate values for the usernames
and passwords marked with editme
Create a wiki page on a MediaWiki installation of your choice for the compliments. The page should only contain lines of compliments like so:
* You have very smooth hair.
* I’ve never met someone like you before.
* You have inspired me and changed my life.
* I want to be you when I grow up.
* You deserve a promotion.
* You are always happy, even when you are sad. And that’s admirable.
* Good effort!
* What a fine sweater!
* I appreciate all of your opinions.
* I like your style.
* Your T-shirt smells fresh.
Run it with python3
You can find the necessary files for the compliments button client based on the NodeMCU ESP8266 at this GitHub repository.
- Jens Ohlig - Initial work
- Lucas Werkmeister - rewrite and most new features
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details