Project in Chalmers course DAT255 - Software Engineering Project
Not all project on here are being used, some are old projects that have been discontinued for newer and better projects.
The projects that are in use have been run through FindBugs and their results can be found in the FindBugs folder, the currently active projects are:
- JavaInterfaceTest (ACC)
- FilterColorsOut (ALC)
- OnBoard (CAN & RMI)
- PIPreview (Preview of camera)
Ecm-core and WirelessIno are modified versions of the original versions that was provided to work with our setup
- Inform if you are running late as soon as possible.
- Respect everyone else.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help.
- Don't use the team chat for irrelevant things.
- Try to meet 2 or more times a week, plan meetings for the coming week.
- To have a scrum meeting in the beginning of each work session.
- Our sprint length is 1 week.