
Senior Full Stack,laravel Developer


I have been engaged in web development since 2016, and during that time, I worked in various environments and developed a lot of projects, gaining a lot of experience and acquiring strong problem-solving skills. I combine creative thinking, user resonance, and a passion for development to create great digital experiences. I'm also proficient in team collaboration and is proficient in version management through github. My repertoire includes ReactJS, VueJS, Nodejs, React-Native, Threejs, Mobx, Wordpress, AngularJS, Laravel, CakePhp, MySQL, MongoDB and Apache server configuration, SASS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, etc. I'm also a passionate and highly skilled blockchain expert with hands-on experience building smart contracts and decentralized applications.

Major Programming Languages

Nodejs TypeScript C# Python CSS3 html5 Solidity c c++

Front End Skills

React Vue Angular Next Nuxt CSS SASS Symphoy Symphoy chartjs Symphoy

Back End Skills

Express WordPress Laravel Django Ruby nestjs Symphoy Symphoy Symphoy Symphoy Symphoy

Other Essentials

Html CSS SASS Symphoy Symphoy Symphoy Symphoy