
llm rap battle with autogen

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Get Started - Setup Steps


  • You need an OpenAI API key.
  • If you want to run the open-source models, you will need to install them locally or run them on RunPod.

Setup Scripts

  • configurations.json: Add your API key to this file.
  • locations.json: Update this file with the location of the configurations.json file.

Important Information on Requirements.txt

Some important notes about the environment.txt files. Due to the update in the OpenAI API, the Proprietary_vs_OpenSource Rap Battle.ipynb and speak.py are running on different requirements.txt files. I couldn't get the open-source models to work with the latest OpenAI and AutoGen Libs.

So, for the Proprietary_vs_OpenSource Rap Battle.ipynb, you will need to run this with the requirements.txt file in the folder Requirements for Notebook. For speak.py, you need to run this with the requirements.txt file in the folder Requirements for speak script.

The best way to do this is to create two virtual environments, which you can do with Anaconda.

Running the Project

The Main Scripts

  • The main script is the Proprietary_vs_OpenSource Rap Battle.ipynb notebook. This generates the battles. You should run this end-to-end first.
  • The speak.py script generates the voices from the lyrics by calling the OpenAI API. Run this to render the voices.