
Open Source RAG with Gradient Labs

Primary LanguagePython

About This Repo

This repository accompanies the technical blog: [placeholder for link] and the YouTube video: [Placeholder for link]


You need to sign up for Gradient to run the fine-tuning script: [placeholder for link]

Getting Set Up

Clone this repository to a local location:

gh repo clone john-adeojo/opensource_rag_gradient

Then create a virtual environment and install the requirements:

Create the virtual environment:

conda create -n <your_env> python=3.10 pip
conda activate <your_env>

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After activating your virtual environment, open the configurations.json file and enter your access_token and workspace_id from Gradient.

Running the Fine-Tuning

By default, the fine-tuning will run on the Nous-Hermes2 model using the additional_yoda_style_questions_responses_thousand.jsonl data. You can modify this by adjusting the script.

Run the script with:

python fine_tune.py run

Working with the UI

Change the model_adapter_id at the top of the opensource_rag_gradient/src/chat.py file to match the fine-tuned model you've created on Gradient.

You can also work with the base model already included in the script. Note that the Llama_2_chat model hasn't been set up with its template, so it might not work well.

To initiate the Chainlit UI, run:

chainlit run chat.py

Once the UI opens in a web browser, go to the settings menu and select a model.

Index a Wikipedia page by providing the EXACT name of the page. For example, to index the page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_safety, enter "AI safety" in the input box.

Chainlit UI

Wait for the confirmation message that the page has been indexed.

Chainlit UI Confirmed

Follow the same steps to index another page.

For AI Development