
Demo showing how Salesforce custom permissions can be used in a 3rd party application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo showing how Salesforce custom permissions can be used in a 3rd party application

Install instructions

  1. install package into dev org https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04to0000000NUsf
  2. assign permission sets to user(s)
  3. explore app https://curcon-expense.herokuapp.com

Local Install instructions

  1. download app git clone https://github.com/john-brock/curcon.git
  2. install node (nodejs.org)
  3. add metadata to Salesforce org (connected app, custom perms, permission sets) curcon-metadata
  4. update consumerKey and consumerSecret -- change: config.json (get values once connected app is installed)
  5. run app node app.js or foreman start

Use app

  1. log in to salesforce using oauth: http://localhost:5000
  2. change user access by assigning permission sets with custom permissions to your user
  3. view default Expense Reports: http://localhost:5000/expenseReports
  4. view all permissions associated with connected app: http://localhost:5000/perms
  5. view raw json response from identity service: http://localhost:5000/id