

  • PHP >= 7.2
    • PHP extension sqlite3 (required for teamtnt/tntsearch)
  • Laravel 6
  • MariaDB 10.3
  • Node & NPM
  • Composer
  • Laravel Requirements


1. Install Laravel + Prototype

# 1.0 Install Laravel
git clone

# 1.1 Edit your .env
cp .env.example .env

# 1.2 Install packages DEV
composer install && npm install && yarn prod

# 1.3 Generate a Laravel key
php artisan key:generate

# 1.4 Run the prototype Installer
php artisan prototype:install --with-dummy # --production Only in production

# 1.5 If you are in Production
composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev # Only in production

2. Troubleshooting

# 1.0 Error symfony/console
- Problem when update symfony/console to "4.3.5" => Commands will not be correctly executed, use exec() or Artisan::Call() instead of new Process()

# 1.1 Optimization fail
- When active multilanguage can\'t use php artisan optimize because Closure : "Need to create Controller"

# 1.2 Error compatibility with Laravel 6.6
- Error when update to Laravel 6.6 with database list, waiting tcg update, use 1.3.x-dev for the moment
#fix next version, waiting for 1.3.1 tcg/voyager: 4586

3. TodoList

- Put api_token in Headers when customer is authenticated and get customer info with Vue
- Finalize route.js to inject routes in js file
- Pass Command/DummyContents/Fonts in Prototype Module

4. Helpers

# 1.0 Refresh all configurations
- php artisan tinker
- php artisan prototype:install --with-dummy

# 1.1 Update translation JS
- use php artisan vue-i18n:generate --format= "umd" to update translation JS

# 1.2 Update routes JS
- use php artisan route:generate:js to update routes JS

# 1.3 Publish Telescope
- you need to use php artisan telescope:install again if .env value TELESCOPE_ENABLED is to false 

5. Api

# 1.0 Users authorizations
- jwt token

# 1.1 Get user token
- Get token access: /api/auth/token/login | params:['email', 'address'] | format: ['url-form', 'json']

# 1.2 Get api informations
- Get route of api: EX : /api/posts
- METHOD GET: /api/posts?token=your_user_token | params:['token'] | format: ['json']
- METHOD GET: /api/posts | headers: "Authorization: Bearer your_user_token" | format: ['json']