
A tool to help visualize the view structure of a Rails app.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails View Visualizer


A tool to help visualize the view structure of a Rails app.


To use Rails View Visualizer, run rvv start, or simply rvv.


-d, --outputdir       Specify the output directory. Defaults to doc/view_visualizer/
-f, --outputfile      Specify the output filename. Defaults to view_visualizer.html
-i, --inputdir        Specify the Rails view directory. Defaults to app/views/
-e, --extension       Specify the file extension to search. Defaults to *.html.*

Known Bugs


  • Parse controllers for implicit and explicit rendering
  • Parse "magic" renders, i.e. render @users
  • Parse layouts directory
  • Check for the existence of the view being rendered
  • Account for dynamic view paths
  • Account for local variables passed to render method
  • Check for rendering loops (X renders Y which renders X)

render "path/to/view"


render :partial => "path/to/view"

render(:partial => "path/to/view")

render partial: "path/to/view"

render(partial: "path/to/view")