
  • The main purpose of this repo is to provide automation testing against 3botlogin app
  • For now this testsuite runs only on Android platform devices. In the future it should run against IOS platforms as well.

Scenarios Documentation

Please find all test scenarios here.

Software prerequisites

To be able to run tests, the following softwares are required:

1- Nodejs

2- Appium

3- Java 8

4- Maven

5- Android Studio (Only if a virtual device is needed). if you will run your tests on a Real Device, no need for android studio or any equivalent software.

Versions used during running testsuite:

Nodejs (11.9.0) - Appium (1.14.2) - Maven (3.6.0)

Tests Execution Steps

1- Replace this apk with the apk version you want to test.

2- In Config file:

  • Please provide email_password, appium_main (main.js path in your system) and node_bin (nodejs bin path in your system).
  • registeredUser and accountPhrase will be generated for you. please don't enter value for these params.
  • Set device to "Android Device" if real android device is used. Otherwise use a the virtual device name.

3- To run the testsuite: from the command line: cd 3botlogin_testing, then mvn test

4- Once tests execution is done. please open 3botlogin_testing/target/surefire-reports/emailable-report.html to check the full report of the passed and failed tests with detailed explanation of the errors (if exists). A sample can be found here.

5- Logs can be found in log/testlogs.log. This log file will be generated during running testsuite.