
Add support for Sentry to Ember.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An ember-cli addon adding Sentry support.

Docs are available here.

What it does (and does not)

This addon does:

  • Enable safe use of Raven.js whether you are in development mode or not.
  • Inject a logging service to routes, components, controllers and models to access Raven object.
  • Provide a default logger generator that should work for the vast majority of people.
  • Provide raven-js in browser.
  • Provide rather complete customization.

This addon does not:

  • Generate the logging service for you.
  • Provide a Sentry key for testing.


ember install ember-cli-sentry

Note: Since v3.0.0, raven-js package is automatically included by this addon.



// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {

    /* config */

    sentry: {
      dsn: 'https://<dummykey>@app.getsentry.com/<dummyproject>'

Complete config

// config/environment.js

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {

    /* config */

    sentry: {
       * The only mandatory parameter.
       * @type {String}
      dsn: 'https://<dummykey>@app.getsentry.com/<dummyproject>',

       * Sets Raven.debug property when running `Raven.config`.
       * @type {Boolean}
       * @default true
      debug: true,

       * If set to true, it will prevent Raven.js from being initialized.
       * Errors and logs will be logged to the console (default) instead of
       * being reported by Raven.
       * @type {Boolean}
       * @default undefined
      development: false,

       * If set to true, addon will try to have Ember.onerror
       * and Ember.RSVP.on('error') captured by Raven.
       * @type {Boolean}
       * @default true
      globalErrorCatching: true,

       * Raven.js option.
       * @type {Array}
       * @default []
      includePaths: [],

       * Raven.js option.
       * @type {Array}
       * @default []
      whitelistUrls: [],

       * Options to pass directly to Raven.js. Note: whitelistUrls and
       * includePaths in this will take precedence
       * over the above.
       * @default {}
      ravenOptions: {},

Content Security Policy

To allow Ravenjs to work properly, you need to add a couple of thing to the content security policy rules:

'script-src': "'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'",
'img-src': "data: app.getsentry.com",
'connect-src': "'self' app.getsentry.com"

Meaningless stack traces?

See this issue.


The dummy application in tests is a working example with a couple of logging here and there, and a default logger.


