
An HTML tidying step for the Publish static site generator

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Tidy HTML step for Publish

A PublishingStep for Publish that nicely formats your website's HTML using SwiftSoup.


To install the step, add it as a dependency within your Package.swift manifest:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/john-mueller/TidyHTMLPublishStep", from: "0.1.0")
    targets: [
            dependencies: [

Then import TidyHTMLPublishStep where you'd like to use it.


The tidyHTML(withIndentation:) step should be inserted into your publishing pipeline after your HTML is generated. The default indentation is one space, if the parameter is omitted.

import TidyHTMLPublishStep
try DeliciousRecipes().publish(using: [
    .generateHTML(withTheme: .foundation),
    .tidyHTML(indentedBy: .spaces(4))

This package also provides an alternate convenience API to the Website.publish(withTheme:...:additionalSteps:...) method, replacing additionalSteps with preGenerationSteps and postGenerationSteps. The tidyHTML step should be passed to the postGenerationSteps parameter:

import TidyHTMLPublishStep
try DeliciousRecipes().publish(
    withTheme: theme,
    postGenerationSteps: [