
⚙️ Convert Html to Markdown. Even works with whole websites.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


gopher stading on top of a machine that converts a box of html to blocks of markdown

Convert HTML into Markdown with Go.


go get github.com/JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown


import "github.com/JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown"

converter := md.NewConverter("", true, nil)

html = `<strong>Important</strong>`

markdown, err := converter.ConvertString(html)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("md ->", markdown)

If you are already using goquery you can pass a selection to Convert.

markdown, err := converter.Convert(selec)


The third parameter to md.NewConverter is *md.Options.

For example you can change the character that is around a bold text ("**") to a different one (for example "__") by changing the value of StrongDelimiter.

opt := &md.Options{
  StrongDelimiter: "__", // default: **
  // ...
converter := md.NewConverter("", true, opt)

For all the possible options look at godocs and for a example look at the example.

Adding Rules

    Filter: []string{"del", "s", "strike"},
    Replacement: func(content string, selec *goquery.Selection, opt *md.Options) *string {
      // You need to return a pointer to a string (md.String is just a helper function).
      // If you return nil the next function for that html element 
      // will be picked. For example you could only convert an element
      // if it has a certain class name and fallback if not.
      content = strings.TrimSpace(content)
      return md.String("~" + content + "~")
  // more rules

For more information have a look at the example add_rules.

Using Plugins

If you want plugins (github flavored markdown like striketrough, tables, ...) you can pass it to Use.

import "github.com/JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown/plugin"
// Use the `GitHubFlavored` plugin from the `plugin` package.

Or if you only want to use the Strikethrough plugin. You can change the character that distinguishes the text that is crossed out by setting the first argument to a different value (for example "~~" instead of "~").


For more information have a look at the example github_flavored.

Writing Plugins

Have a look at the plugin folder for a reference implementation. The most basic one is Strikethrough.

Other Methods


func (c *Converter) Keep(tags ...string) *Converter

Determines which elements are to be kept and rendered as HTML.

func (c *Converter) Remove(tags ...string) *Converter

Determines which elements are to be removed altogether i.e. converted to an empty string.

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