Practical JS Exam for programmer #2 (FE Only)


The task is quite simple, you need to build a small web app with ability to search on YouTube, show the selected results on a (YouTube) player and save it as history into a database and switch theme and layout.


Here is a mockup: alt tag

The UI include the following flows:

  • User search a YouTube's video and get back relevant results for his query.
  • Each search result contain the following fields: video thumbnail, name and a play button
  • When click play button, the YouTube player underneath start play the video. also, a new history record will save into localStorage and will add to the history list on the left.
  • When click on a video form the history list, it'll play in the player.
  • When user click delete on each history record, it'll delete from the localStorage and will remove form the history list.
  • When user click on switch theme/layout the theme/layout should be changed


  • Use React Hooks
  • Implement 2 Layouts and 2 Themes with an option to add more in the future.
  • For YouTube operations use the following:
  • Please try express yourself as much you can, try to use your daily basis coding so we can see your level and knowledge

Wish you good luck.