
Two player game built using Java and JavaFX

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub GitHub commits


This is a two-player game with the theme of Marvel Ultimate War in which each player chooses 3 champions and promotes one of the champions to be a leader. The goal of the game is to defeat all champions of the opponent team. During each turn, a champion has a limited number of action points with which he can move on the board, attack, and cast abilities. On a leader champion's turn, he can also cast a leader ability, which can only be used once throughout the game. Abilities have three types: Damaging Abilities, Healing Abilities, and Crowd Control Abilities. Damaging abilities decrease the targets' health points, while healing abilities increase the targets' health points, whereas crowd control abilities apply a certain effect on targets. There are 10 effects in the game: 5 positive effects (buff) and 5 negative effects (debuff), each with different usages.


You can check out a video of the game here

Choosing Champions View

Gameplay View

Using Damaging Effect

How to Run

Users Installation

  1. Install JDK from here and JavaFX from here (make sure to remember where you installed JavaFX)
  2. Download the game's ZIP file OR fork and clone into your local respository
  3. Open the command line terminal (or Windows PowerShell), navigate to the local repository and run:
java --module-path "{...}" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.media -jar Ultimate-War.jar

replace {...} with the path to the "lib" folder inside JavaFX that you installed in step 1.

Developers Installation

  1. Install JDK from here, Eclipse from here, and JavaFX from here (make sure to remember where you installed it)
  2. Download the game's ZIP file OR fork and clone into your local respository
  3. Open Eclipse, Navigate to window -> preferences -> search for "user libraries" -> new -> type "JavaFX" -> Add External JARs... -> select the JARs you installed from step 2.
  4. Open the project using Eclipse, right click on it and choose Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Add Library -> User Library -> JavaFX
  5. Right Click on the project, Run as -> Run configurations -> Select "View" from left bar -> Arguments and paste the following under VM arguments:
"--module-path {...} --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.media"

replace {...} with the path to the "lib" folder inside JavaFX that you installed in step 1 and run.

Project Structure

├── application
│   ├── View.java
│   └── ..............
├── engine
│   ├── Game.java
│   ├── Player.java
│   ├── PriorityQueue.java
│   └── ..............
├── exceptions
│   ├── AbilityUseException.java
│   ├── ChampionDisarmedException.java
│   ├── GameActionException.java
│   ├── InvalidTargetException.java
│   ├── LeaderAbilityAlreadyUsedException.java
│   ├── LeaderNotCurrentException.java
│   ├── NotEnoughResourcesException.java
│   ├── UnallowedMovementException.java
│   └── .......................
└── model
    ├── abilities
    │   ├── Ability.java
    │   ├── AreaOfEffect.java
    │   ├── CrowdControlAbility.java
    │   ├── DamagingAbility.java
    │   └── HealingAbility.java
    ├── effects
    │   ├── Disarm.java
    │   ├── Dodge.java
    │   ├── Effect.java
    │   ├── EffectType.java
    │   ├── Embrace.java
    │   ├── PowerUp.java
    │   ├── Root.java
    │   ├── Shield.java
    │   ├── Shock.java
    │   ├── Silence.java
    │   ├── SpeedUp.java
    │   ├── Stun.java
    │   └── .....................
    └── world
        ├── AntiHero.java
        ├── Champion.java
        ├── Condition.java
        ├── Cover.java
        ├── Damageable.java
        ├── Direction.java
        ├── Hero.java
        ├── Villain.java
        └── ..............
