
A Blog of Minor Obsessions

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a blog-ish thing about my minor obsessions. Every day I come across things that I find totally engrossing. For five minutes or five weeks I am completely absorbed and can't think of anything else. If, during the course of these minor obsessions, I generate any useful information or tools, I might share them here.

Topics of Interest:

  • The Environment
  • Software
  • Physics
  • Rock Climbing
  • Trees
  • Science Fiction
  • anything else


This blog-ish thing is based on Jekyll Boostrap, which is under the standard MIT License.

The CSS theme I am using started life as the-minimum, also under the MIT License. I appologize for what I did to your beautiful theme.

The code for this project itself has the Apache 2 License. And I hold full copyright privileges to the written content (blog posts).