This little web app is meant to be filled with the tools I'm using to learn to identify trees.
As time goes on, and hopefully I learn more, I will hopefully transition this to a web app useful to others learning to identify trees. But I'm not there yet, and so neither is the app.
The code is licensed here at GPLv3. That means you are free to use the enclosed software (and even the photographs here-in). But you must fully disclose the source of the code.
The is particularly important if you intend to use the photographs of trees and tree features.
If you are using these photos for non-profit, eductational works, please just ask and I will probably break my copyright/license for you. (I also have dramatically higher resolution copies of all of these photos, if you need.)
Well, it's that time again:
Time to learn another JavaScript Framework.
This was more work than in needed to be. And very poorly documented on the vue.js site.
I (loosely) followed the example here.