LLVM-P86 is a compiler and mutation testing framework intended for the programming language Pascal-86. Compared to a regular compiler, LLVM-P86 is able to create mutated versions of its input and encode several mutants into a single program. The compiler front-end is written entirely in Python, while the code generation provided by LLVM is written in C++.
Some of the most noteworthy features found in LLVM-P86 include:
- Support for most language constructs, such as modules, records, with-statements, nested functions and recursive function calls.
- Support for several mutation operators, including ROR, AOR, COR, SDL and BSR.
- Ability to regenerate Pascal-86 source code after mutants has been encoded into a metaprogram, i.e. source-to-source.
- Individual mutants can be visualized in a web-based interface.
Mutation testing is an automatic fault-based testing technique that makes syntactic changes to a program under test in order to simulate real faults otherwise caused by a programmer. Similar to structural coverage criteria such as statement coverage, mutation testing is used to assess the quality of a test suite. After a syntactic change has been made, the program is referred to as a mutant that can either survive a test suite, or be killed by one. If a mutant is killed, it means that the test suite has detected the syntactic change and reported it as an error, resulting in an increased mutation score. If a mutant survives, it means that the test suite failed to detect the fault and the mutation score is decreased.
More information is available in my master thesis
LLVM-P86 depend on the following software packages:
- python (tested with 2.7 and 3.3)
- ply (tested with 3.4)
- llvmpy (tested with 0.11.3, compiled for llvm-3.2)
For people running Ubuntu 13.10, all packages are available via apt-get.
$ sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-ply python-llvm
Once the dependencies have been met, the source code needs to be prepared by issuing the following set of commands.
$ git clone https://github.com/john-tornblom/llvm-p86.git
$ cd llvm-p86
$ python setup.py prepare
There are a few small sample applications available in the samples folder. To execute one of them directly using the LLVM JIT compiler, just type:
$ ./llvm-p86 -e samples/snippets/if.p
LLVM-P86 also ships with two Pascal-86 modules used to demonstrates how mutation testing can be put into practice. Unfortunately, LLVM-P86 is not able to link object files into a single binary, and thus gcc is required. From the project root folder, execute the following set of commands:
$ cd samples/triangle
$ ./run_mutants.sh operator
where operator is one of the following:
- ror - relational operator replacement (<, <=, =, <>, >=, >)
- cor - conditional operator replacement (and, or)
- aor - arithmetic operator replacement (+, -, *, /, div, mod)
- sdl - statement deletion
- dcc - decision/condition coverage
- sc - statement coverage
To view each individual mutant, launch the small python webserver located in the root folder of LLVM-86 (preferably from a second terminal window)
./llvm-p86-webserver -r wwwroot/
Now, point your browser to localhost:8000.
Since LLVM-P86 was designed with a specific code base in mind, some language features are missing.
- There is no support for reading or writing files, other than stdin and stdout.
- Procedures and functions cannot be passed as arguments.
- The packed keyword is not supported.
- None of the I/O port procedures has been implemented, e.g. Inwrd and Outwrd.
- None of the interrupt procedures has been implemented.
- Reading Boolean values from the keyboard using Read will result in a crash.