These CloudFormation templates are super basic and just for demonstration purposes. IRL you'll also need to set up IAM users, roles, etc, API methods, and probably a bunch of other stuff.
In This Repo
CloudFormation commands
Create Stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name test-gateway --template-url
Update Stack
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name test-gateway --template-url
Set up CodeBuild project
Coming soon
CodeBuild template
If you create a CodeBuild project (manually or via CloudFormation) which calls the buildspec.yml file in theis repo, it'll set up a build server (just installs git), which checks out this repo, copies the test-api-gateway.yaml cloudformation template to S3, and then makes the cli call to run the template, thus creating an API Gateway. Via API, docs here:
AWS Code Services
Templates to define, create, and update AWS services.
AWS hosted git repos, similar to Github circa 2012. Rest of Code* services also integrate with GitHub.
AWS hosted build server, similar to Jenkins or CircleCI.
If you want deploy anything built with CodeBuild, CodeDeploy can do that.
If you want to set up a pipeline that will, for instance, do a build, test it, then deploy it, CodePipeline is your friend.