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Movie Search Db19 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Functionalities that need to be done.

  1. [x]jb - Login Page
    • Login functionality
    • Browse as Guest functionality
  1. Home Page
    • Buttons that switch home page content between Movies/TV
    • Four sections of movies (Upcoming, popular, now playing, top rated) with pagination
    • Four sections of TV (Airing today, popular, on the air, top rated) with pagination
    • Search functionality
  1. Individual Movie/TV Page
    • Need to pull data from API for: poster, background img, summary, name, rating, genre, cast, trailers.
    • Styling and animations
    • OPTIONAL: social media share functionality & heart functionality
    • Back to home button (maybe make the menu on top sticky?)
  1. Cast Member Page
    • Need to pull data for: picture, name, biography, birthday, past movies
    • Styling and animations
  1. Discover Page

    • Advanced search using filters (popularity rating, year of release, genre, keyword). From the filmcloud website it looks like only year of release and first filter work.
    • A list of 20-30 movies with their posters, titles, and rating, most likely ordered by release date/popularity. Add pagination to this functionality with previous/next buttons.
  2. Member Page (optional)

    • Add sections for favorite movies, tv shows, movies you've rated, tv shows you've rated
    • Log out button
    • Profile picture


  • Add pagination on infinite carousels
  • Add Socials Login Option *etc (fb, twitter , github, google)


  • John Benedict Miranda
  • Christian Allen