
A set of tools and helpers for creating nodeJS CLI applications fast and easily

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


Version: 0.6.2 Author: John32B, License: MIT
djNode is a set of tools and helpers for HAXE; for creating nodeJS CLI applications.

Features 📢

  • Terminal Print Helper class, that supports coloring, text formatting, cursor manipulation and more.
  • Advanced input arguments handling with automatic safeguards and easy retrieval of argument options/actions.
  • Automatic handling of multiple Tasks that can run in sync or async. Progress reports and chaining.
  • Easy external CLI application spawner with built in helpers to read stdout/stderr
  • Simple LOG system that can output to a file in real time
  • Some useful File related helper functions
  • Easy keyboard interaction, get keystrokes at realtime or a string at a time

Automatic input parameter definition and handling

// Defining Input Rules and Accepted Actions/Options
ARGS.inputRule = "yes";
ARGS.outputRule = "opt";	// Optional 
ARGS.requireAction = true;
ARGS.Actions = [
    ['c', 'Compress a file'],
    ['d', 'Decompress a file\nFile will be decompressed in the same folder'],
ARGS.Options = [
    ['t', 'Set Temp Folder', '1']
  • Running the application with no parameters:

  • Running with -help argument:

  • Running with a valid action and input file:

  • Handling passed action is automatic and easy

switch (argsAction)
    case 'c': // Defined earlier in ARGS.Actions
        T.print(" > About to Compress file : " + argsInput[0]).endl();
    case 'd': // Defined earlier in ARGS.Actions
        T.print(" > About to Decompress file : " + argsInput[0]).endl();
// Note `argsInput` is an Array that holds ALL Input parameters [0] to get the first one
// If no input parameters were set, the program will error, since it requires at least 1

Printing Helpers

  • The standard Terminal object, offers some basic terminal printing and cursor manipulation

    // T is an instantiated Terminal.hx class and is a public static var in `BaseApp`
    T.print('Normal Text Print : ');
    T.print('print again, at the same line');
    T.println('Print something and new line.');
    T.ptag("Special <yellow>Terminal.<!><green>ptag()<!> will process and convert inline tags to special codes\n");
    T.ptag(">> <blue>NEW!<!> <bold,underl,:darkblue,white> You can add multiple defines in a single tag <!>\n");

  • 🆕 PRINT2.hx offers even more helpers for printing Text and creating Tables.

    var P = new djNode.utils.Print2();
    P.H("Header Main", 0);
    P.p("Some basic support for printing idented text");
    P.p("And custom header styles").br();	// You can chain
    P.H("Sub-Header", 1);
    P.p("But it is not perfect, as long lines will wrap like this ::");
    P.p("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.");
    // Printing a header will fix the left margin so all next Print2, print calls will respect the margin set

  • Print2 offers some table functions

    // Start printing everything in Print2 at 5 characters from the left of the terminal
    P.lpad = 5;
    // Declare a table (3 columns)
    // Column 1 : L,16,2 == Left align,  20 width , 2 pad from left
    // Column 2 : R,6   == Right align, 12 width , no pad from left
    // Column 3 : C,30,3 == Right align, 30 width , 3 from left
    // Setup some colors for the table header
    // Add a whole row of data
    P.tr(["Entry", "Saved", "Status"]);
    P.tr(["Entry One", "YES", "exists"]);
    P.tr(["Entry Two", "NO", "---"]);
    P.tr(["Entry Three", "NO", "error"]);
    P.tr(["Entry Four", "YES", "error"]);

Job/Task System

  • djNode offers a simple task system. Where you can create a bunch of tasks, and have a job process them in parallel or sequentially. Checkout cdcrush for a better usage example

    // Creating a JOB with Test Tasks
    var j = new CJob("Testing multiple concurrent progress");
        j.MAX_CONCURRENT = 3;
    	j.onComplete = ()->{trace("Job Complete!");};
    	// These 5 tasks will run in parallel
        j.addAsync(new CTestTask(1200,'Compressing File 1'));
        j.addAsync(new CTestTask(2200,'Compressing File 2'));
        j.addAsync(new CTestTask(2800,'Compressing File 3'));
        j.addAsync(new CTestTask(2500,'Compressing File 4'));
        j.addAsync(new CTestTask(1700,'Compressing File 5'));
        // When all the previous tasks complete. This next one will start
        j.add(new CTestTask(800, 'Finalizing'));
        // This is a special object, will take a JOB and write progress to the terminal
        var report = new CJobReport(j, true);

Notes 📓

This is mostly personal library that I have used in some projects and tools, like:

⚠️ WARNING In case the Windows Default Command Line doesn't work use another console emulator like cmder (recommended)