
Read metadata from PlayStation 1 CD images

Primary LanguageHaxe

PSX CD Metadata Extractor

This is a tool to extract metadata from PlayStation 1 CDs, reading from the Primary Volume Descriptor sector. (More information here : https://problemkaputt.de/psx-spx.htm#cdromisovolumedescriptors)

What metadata?

  • Volume Creation Timestamp e.g. "1996-11-11"
  • Publisher Identifier e.g. "UEP_SYSTEMS"
  • CD Label e.g. "COOLBOARDERS"

there are more fields of data but these are the most useful ones I think

The program

Basically the purpose of this program is to mass read PlayStation 1 CD Images and generate a TEXT file with all the parsed CD metadata in it.

  • Is a Node.js script (bundled in downloads) for Windows Only
  • Reads PlayStation 1.bin files
  • Can work with .zip archives that contain .bin files. Check the section below.
  • Operates on entire folders and can deep-scan them for files
  • Generates output on the terminal AND on an output file that you specify

ZIP File Support

In case all your .bin files are inside separate .zip archives do not worry. This supports the external program PISMO MOUNT (must be installed). Using this, it can automatically mount the .zip files and read the .bin file without the need of extracting the zip first.

Download and install "Pismo File Mount Audit Package build 192"
from here : https://pismotec.com/download/

  • Will only read the first .bin it encounters in a .zip file
  • This is because usually every .zip archive holds a single game
  • In case of multiple CDs inside a .zip the important metadata should be the same, like the date and publisher. So the data is still correct.

Running Example

  • scan all .bin files in c:\roms\ps1
  • deep scan in every subfolder -d
  • generate output file in c:\temp\ps1_meta.txt
node psxmeta -d c:\roms\ps1 -o c:\temp\ps1_meta.txt

Running Example , also scan ZIP files

  • same as above, but just add the -zip argument
  • this will scan .bin files , as well as .zip files
  • this will try to run PISMO FILE MOUNT to mount the archives
node psxmeta -d -zip c:\roms\ps1 -o c:\temp\ps1_meta.txt

Output File Structure

It generates a simple .txt containing the data of all the CD images that were parsed.

The format of the data is:


The reason I am choosing | to separate the fields, is that | cannot be part of any filename/label or publisher(?) so it is safe to get each line and to a .split('|') to return an array with all the fields of each line.

Example of a generated text file:

    Input  : c:\home\emu\roms\ps1
    Output : a:\psx_meta.txt
Carnage Heart (USA).zip|1996-11-17|SCUS_94604|
Cool Boarders (USA).zip|1996-11-11|COOLBOARDERS|UEP_SYSTEMS
Divide, The - Enemies Within (USA).zip|1996-11-05|SLUS00317|VIACOM NEW MEDIA

Program preview