Cardano Software Engineer Coding Test


This is a skeleton Java / Gradle version of the test


Java Program

  1. Create a function that accepts an array of numbers and returns a reversed array (e.g. [1,2,3] would be [3,2,1]

  2. Write a function that transforms an array of strings to an upper-case array of strings

  3. Given a sentence create a function that returns the number of unique words (e.g. 'the cat jumped over the mat' would be [{'the': 2}, {'cat': 1}…]

  4. Write a function 'composeu' that takes two unary functions and returns a unary function that calls them both. A unary function has a single argument and a single return value (e.g. f(d) { return d + 1}

  5. Write a function that reads from a file and prints the contents to the console

  6. Give an example of how a function would handle an invalid argument


Any SQL dialect will suffice

  1. Create a query to return the unique rows in a table

  2. Write a command to insert values into a table

  3. Create a query that joins two tables together. Note, all rows from the first table must be in the result-set (e.g. given customer and order tables, return all customers and any orders for each customer)


Write a console application that accepts a random sequence of numbers and loops through looking for 2 equal, consecutive numbers. When found write 'Snap' to the console else print out the number (e.g. 1,3,5,5,'Snap').