Simple backpropagation algorithm wrote from scratch in order to understand it.
Declare network architecture: 1 input, 3 units in hidden layer, 1 output
std::vector<uint32_t> architecture{ 1, 3, 1 };
Create the Network and the Optimizer (with a training rate of 0.01)
ffnn::FFNeuralNetwork network(architecture);
ffnn::Optimizer optimizer(0.01f);
A simple struct to handle training examples
struct Example
ffnn::Vectorf input;
// The expected output
ffnn::Vectorf output;
Generate training set, here we just want the output to be equal to the input
NumberGenerator gen;
std::vector<Example> training_set;
uint64_t examples_count = 10000;
for (uint64_t i(examples_count); i--;) {
const float a = gen.getUnder(1.0f);
Train the network
const float threshold = 1.0f;
float error = threshold + 1.0f;
while (error > threshold) {
error = 0.0f;
for (const Example& example : training_set) {
optimizer.train(network, example.input, example.output);
error += optimizer.error;
// Monitor the error after each iteration
std::cout << error << std::endl;
View results
for (uint32_t i(10); i--;) {
const float a = gen.getUnder(1.0f);
const ffnn::Vectorf r = network.execute({ a });
const float error = 0.5f * std::pow(a - r[0], 2);
std::cout << "Result for " << a << ": " << r[0] << " error: " << error << std::endl;
- Currently just sigmoid activation is supported
- Perf are probably very bad because of naive matrix operations