Todo List 1


You should build a simple todo list manager. Here is a target to match.

To explore, sign in with email:,, or; and password: password.

Behaviors to note:

  • You can't do anything in the app until you sign up or sign in.
  • The home page is a list of your todos.
  • There are three sections on the home page: "Next Up", "In Progress", and "Done".
  • You can add a new todo using the form at the top of the page. Once added, it appears in the "Next Up" section.
  • For todos in the "Next Up" section, there is a button that, when clicked, moves the todo to the "In Progress" section.
  • For todos in the "In Progress" section, there is a button that, when clicked, moves the todo to the "Done" section.
  • For all todos, there is a link to delete the todo.

More specifics to notice about the target:

  • As usual, pay attention to the copy in buttons, links, labels, headings, etc — spelling, capitalization, and punctuation matter.
  • The sign in page is located at /user_sign_in.
  • The sign up page is located at /user_sign_up.

Implementation details that you must stick to:

  • The "Next Up" section should be contained within a <div> that has the class "next_up".
    • The color of the text within the "Next Up" section should be darkorange.
  • The "In Progress" section should be contained within a <div> that has the class "in_progress".
    • The color of the text within the "In Progess" section should be darkgreen.
  • The "Done" section should be contained within a <div> that has the class "done".
    • The color of the text within the "Done" section should be grey.

All other implementation details are up to you.


You should try to build the app with the above information, the target, and the automated tests as a guide.

But, if you are well and truly stuck, you can see some hints. (Note that you won't have these hints on the exam.)

Click here for hints

Data model

One possible data model for this application is as follows:

┌──────────────────────────┐              │                       │
│                          │              │ Todo                  │
│ User                     │              │ ----                  │
│ ----                     │              │ id (integer)          │
│ id (integer)             │             ╱│ content (string)      │
│ email (string)           │┼┼──────────○─│ status (string)       │
│ password_digest (string) │             ╲│ user_id (integer)     │
│ created_at (datetime)    │              │ created_at (datetime) │
│ updated_at (datetime)    │              │ updated_at (datetime) │
│                          │              │                       │
└──────────────────────────┘              └───────────────────────┘


Click here to see names of each test
  • The home page has an h1 element with the text "Your todo list"
  • The home page has an h2 element with the text "Add a new todo"
  • The home page has a div element with the class "next_up"
  • The home page has an h2 element with the text "Next Up"
  • The text within the div of class "next_up" is darkorange
  • The home page has a div element with the class "in_progress"
  • The home page has an h2 element with the text "In Progress"
  • The text within the div of class "in_progress" is darkgreen
  • The home page has a div element with the class "done"
  • The home page has an h2 element with the text "Done"
  • The text within the div of class "done" is grey
  • The home page has a button that adds a new item to the todo list
  • The home page has a button that creates a todo item, and moves it to the "Next Up" section
  • The Next Up section displays todo items in a <li> element
  • The Next Up section displays the formatted created at time for each todo items
  • The Next Up section has a link to delete a todo item with the text 'Delete'
  • The Next Up section has buttons to move todos to the "In Progress" section
  • The In Progress section displays todo items in a <li> element
  • The In Progress section displays the formatted updated at time for each todo items
  • The In Progress section has a link to delete a todo item with the text 'Delete'
  • The In Progress section has buttons to move todos to the "Done" section
  • The Done section displays todo items in a <li> element
  • The Done section displays the formatted updated at time for each todo item
  • The Done section has a link to delete a todo item with the text 'Delete'