POMDPs: Myths, Legends, and Reality

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What are POMDPs?

POMDPs are MDPs with sensors instead of direct observation of the current state.

  • The sensors are some probability distribution of some observation given a certain state. \pause
  • Unlike traditional MDPs that map from states to actions, these map from belief states(observations) to actions. \pause
  • Exact optimal solutions yield the optimal action for each possible belief state that minimizes our cost.

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POMDPs are defined by a tuple $(S,A,T,R,Ω,O,γ)$

  • S is the set of states \pause
  • A is the set of actions \pause
  • T is the state transition probability $P(s’|s,a)$ \pause
  • R is the reward function $R(s,a)$ \pause
  • $Ω$ is the set of observations \pause
  • O is the set of conditional observation probabilities $P(o|s’) ∨ P(o|s’,a)$ \pause
  • $γ$ is the discount factor. \pause
  • As usual, we want an optimal policy ($π$) that maximizes expected future reward.

POMDPs rely on a unique belief update step as a part of the algorithm.

  • a

Notes on theory, undecidability, and intractability

POMDP Variants and Applications

Variants of POMDPs exit to tackle certain niche problems.

  • Confounded POMDPs (agent is not sure of the state/reward association) \pause
  • Decentralized POMDPs (multiple collaborating agents with only local information) \pause

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Various methods of solving/approximating POMDPs are currently available/used.

  • On Policy Methods \pause - \pause
  • Off Policy Methods \pause -

Implementation Recommendations

My favorite package: POMDPs.jl is my favorite because it’s easy to use: Installation

using Pkg; Pkg.add("POMDPs"); Pkg.add("QMDP");
using POMDPs, QuickPOMDPs, POMDPTools, QMDP

My favorite package: POMDPs.jl is my favorite because it’s easy to use: Definitions

m = QuickPOMDP(
    states = ["left", "right"],
    actions = ["left", "right", "listen"],
    observations = ["left", "right"],
    initialstate = Uniform(["left", "right"]),
    discount = 0.95,
    transition = function (s, a)
        if a == "listen"
            return Deterministic(s) # tiger stays behind the same door
        else # a door is opened
            return Uniform(["left", "right"]) # reset
    observation = function (s, a, sp)
        if a == "listen"
            if sp == "left"
                return SparseCat(["left", "right"], [0.85, 0.15]) # sparse categorical distribution
                return SparseCat(["right", "left"], [0.85, 0.15])
            return Uniform(["left", "right"])
    reward = function (s, a)
        if a == "listen"
            return -1.0
        elseif s == a # the tiger was found
            return -100.0
        else # the tiger was escaped
            return 10.0

solver = QMDPSolver()
policy = solve(solver, m)

rsum = 0.0
for (s,b,a,o,r) in stepthrough(m, policy, "s,b,a,o,r", max_steps=10)
    println("s: $s, b: $([s=>pdf(b,s) for s in states(m)]), a: $a, o: $o")
    global rsum += r
println("Undiscounted reward was $rsum.")

Alternative Packages


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