
Gets the sentiment of YouTube comments

Primary LanguagePython


Senticomment is a simple little hacked together script that applies basic sentiment analysis to downloaded YouTube comments. To set up:

Installation of Libraries

It's recommended that you use virtualenv so that existing packages aren't tempered with. You'll need Python 3 installed with pip. Run:

pip install httplib2

pip install nltk

pip install csv

pip install google-api-python-client

pip install oauth2client

You'll also need to install vader.

Just go into the python console, import nltk module and use it to download the vader data.

import nltk


Set Up Google Cloud

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console and create a new project.
  2. Enable the YouTube Data API v3.
  3. Create credentials (OAuth client ID, Application Type: Other) and download them to client_secrets.json.

Running the Code

Run python3 main.py --videoid={your video ID here} to run the script and generate a CSV file.


python3 main.py --videoid=Zj8h3ZSc-Aw

Link to Interactive Histogram as of June 11, 2018