Serverless plugin for zero-config parcel bundler support.
yarn add serverless-parcel --dev
Add the plugin to your serverless.yml
- serverless-parcel
None required! By default, parcel will build your lambda functions with parcel... but if you want to get fancy, here ya go:
## options for lambda functions
## defaults
target: node
cache: false
watch: false
bundleNodeModules: true
outDir: autogenerated - you can't change this
## non-lambda entries you'd like to build
# an array of bundler options with an entry file
- file: src/index.html
minify: true
target: browser
- file: src/admin.html
minify: false
sourceMaps: true
A full list of options can be found on parcel's api docs
This project was heavily inspired by serverless-plugin-typescript and serverless-webpack. Both are epic projects and I hope this projects grows up to be like them one day. 🎉