
List of Papers read for Wireless and Ubiquitous Computing


List of Papers read for Wireless and Ubiquitous Computing

  1. The Computer for the 21st Century - Mark Weiser
  2. Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing - Mark Weiser
  3. Pervasive Computing: Vision and Challenges - M. Satyanarayanan
  1. The Challenges of wearable computing - T. Starner: Part1 - Part2
  • The Locust Swarm - Interested Power restricted network and an indoor location scheme using Infrared and a PIC32
  • Twiddler - One handed keyboard
  1. Designing Interactions - Bill Moggridge
  2. Sketching - Why Sketch? - Interesting overview on prototyping
  3. Design for Wearability - Gemperle, F.; Kasabach, C.; Stivoric, J.; Bauer, M.; Martin, R.

Low Power Design Week!

  1. Power - A first-class architectural constraint - Trevor Mudge
  2. Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy - Mark Weiser, Brent Welch, Alan Demers, Scott Shenker

This Weiser paper is an interesting article which discusses how scheduling based on computing load can help reduce power costs overall.

  1. Energy scavenging for mobile and wireless electronics - Paradiso, J.A.; Starner, T.
  2. Non-ideal Battery Behavior and Its Impact on Software Design for Wearable Computers - T. Martin and D. Siewiorek

Smartwatch design Week

  1. Itsy: stretching the bounds of mobile computing - W. Hamburgen, D. Wallach, M. Viredaz, L. Brakmo, C. Waldspurger, J. Bartlett, T. Mann, K. Farkas (People at Compaq)
  2. IBM's Linux watch, the challenge of miniaturization - C. Narayanaswami, N. Kamijoh, M. Raghunath, T. Inoue, T. Cipolla, J. Sanford, E. Schlig, S. Venkiteswaran, D. Guniguntala, V. Kulkarni, K. Yamazaki
  3. Time and time again: parallels in the development of the watch and the wearable computer - T. Martin
  4. Reconciling ICT and Wearable Design: Ten Lessons from Working with Swatch - M. Smith

Affective Feedback Week

  1. Towards incorporating affective feedback into context-aware intelligent environments - D. P. Saha, T. L. Martin, and R. B. Knapp
  2. Affective Feedback in a Virtual Reality Based Intelligent Supermarket - D. P. Saha, T. L. Martin, and R. B. Knapp
  3. Towards Defining a Quality-Metric for Affective Feedback in an Intelligent Environment - D. P. Saha, T. L. Martin, and R. B. Knapp

Input Devices Week

Some excellent annd quirky examples of wearable input Devices

  1. Design of a wearable tactile display - Gemperle, F., Ota, N., Siewiorek, D.
  2. inScent: a Wearable Olfactory Display as an Amplification for Mobile Notifications - Dobbelstein, D., Herrdum, S., Rukzio, E.
  3. Augmenting spatial awareness with Haptic Radar - Cassinelli, A., Reynolds, C. and Ishikawa, M.
  4. Airwriting: Hands-free mobile text input by spotting and continuous recognition of 3d-space handwriting with inertial sensors - Christoph Amma, Marcus Georgi, Tanja Schultz,
  5. Conductive Rubber Electrodes for Earphone-Based Eye Gesture Input Interface - Hiroyuki Manabe, Masaaki Fukumoto, and Tohru Yagi