spndr is a spending tracker built in Python, using a PostgreSQL database in the backend and using Telegram as the frontend, via the Telegram bot API. spndr is a telegram bot that can help you record your spending details in a simple, step-by-step process.
The program logic of the bot is fairly simple.
The bot receives an update via the Telegram API of any messages sent to it.
Once it has received a message, it processes the message which consists of : a. Doing any necessary back-end work, mostly database transactions. b. Selecting the reply to send to the end user from a folder of reply templates.
Sends the reply selected in step 2b. above to the user.
And the process repeats.
This is a brief description of each file in its current state:
This is the starter file for the program. The app gets initialized and starts executing when this file is run. The steps laid out above are executed in this file.
This is the file that handles the processing of the end users' messages to the bot. It is the working brain of the application. End users' messages are processed followed by carrying out any necessary database operations, and then the message to be sent back to the end users is generated.
This file calls the psycopg2 wrapper module, db_interface.py and carries out various specific database operations such as adding and deleting users, retrieving previous transaction info, etc. It opens the required .sql file stored in the sql_scripts directory to carry out a database operation as and when called upon by message_processor.py to do so.
This file is a module that acts as wrapper for the psycopg2 library; A PostgreSQL database adapter module for Python. It consists of class pool_init() and two standalone functions; cnnct() and dscnnct(). The pool_init class is a decorator class for the cnnct() function.
When cnnct() is called for the first time, pool_init() creates a psycopg2 connection pool object and passes it to cnnct() from which it can get connection objects and cursors and pass them on to database_operations.py when called upon. The cursor is then used to perform the required database query. After the query is complete. The dscnnct() function is called that commits any changes, closes the cursor object, and puts the connection object back into the connection pool.
This file calls the functions in telegrambot.py, which is a wrapper module that implements the Telegram bot API. It parses the json object returned from telegrambot.py for necessary info and passes the info onwards.
This is a wrapper module that implements the Telegram bot API functions getUpdates and sendMessage
This file opens the bot's reply templates stored in the replies directory and returns them to message_processor.py when called upon.
This file resets the PostgreSQL database
- Make sure you have Python 3.7 installed with the psycopg2 and requests package.
- Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed.
- Download this repo.
- Create a file named bot_token.txt in the repo and paste your telegram API key in it. Click this link to see how you can get an API key: https://core.telegram.org/#bot-api
- Create a PostgreSQL database and name it 'spndr'.
- Open db_interface.py and change the class variables username and password at lines 7 and 8 respectively to the username and password of your PostgreSQL server.
- Open reset_db.py and do the same as you did in the previous step at lines 4 and 5.
- Run reset_db.py to initialize the database.
- Run tester.py and send the bot a message.
- That's it! You're all done!